Dear Tim Ryan

The first time I heard your name was when I was learning that another advocate that I believed in and followed had no doubt mislead me and was working at the same treatment center that you were marketing for, Banyan.

Billy Pfaff had so many supporters and had he been doing the things he always claimed to be doing and not doing the things he swore he wasn’t he might still be on top of the recovery community. You stayed as far away from that drama as you could. You were planning on moving into the position that Billy was enjoying and that is exactly what you did.

When you gave me your book in Portsmouth Ohio I read it twice. I throughly enjoyed reading your story and I did a fair amouint of spreading the word about how good it was. Then I watched your tedtalk and I enjoyed that just as much or more. I worked hard with Higgy to get it out to as many people as possible and we got it to hundreds of thousands if not millions. When Dopeman came out we did the same thing reaching astronomical numbers.

I don’t know if you ever thanked Higgy but I know that you didn’t reach out to me. I watched as the guy I was sure was a bad guy but won my trust through his book, speaking and Dopeman started to get too big for his britches.

In the beginning you use to say you didn’t care as long as there was one person watching or listening you would begin your lives but now if you don’t have at least fifty watching at the random moment you decide to go live you threaten to shut the live down.

Before you seemed so genuine and now I learn about you speaking with Carol and saying things against your so called friends in the community. Higgy relapses and you try to turn others against him? Do you have any idea how much promoting you he has done? Even paying me to share for you? Did you ever pay Higgy Tim? I bet you didn’t and if you did I seriously doubt you did what he deserved. Hell at the very least he deserved your actual friendship and support.

Then you say you hope that Carol dies while in surgery? Really? Do tell me what Carol has ever done to you other than sharing your posts which is the sole reason you post them to begin with. Who cares if she makes a cryptic comment on them that you don’t even understand much less anyone else. The problem is people do understand now. don’t they. That is why you wish her dead.

Sorry she isn’t going anywhere but you I think your days living the high life are coming to an end. People know what you advocates are about now and they know these bullshit treatment centers suck.

So as far I can see it all of your days are numbered. I am sure it won’t happen as quickly as I would have it happen but the wheels are turning and there is nothing any of you can do to stop it.

One day this community will look back at this time and laugh at the Tim Ryan’s and Rich Walters. They will call all of you by what you really are, con men, instead of your self proclaimed titles of Dopeman and Hope Dealer. Stop playing with peoples lives, their children and their recovery. It’s time for another job change Tim! Can’t wait to see what scam u cook up next.

Sincerely Joann